Did you know you can D.I.Y candy eyeballs? It only takes 3 ingredients too, all natural. Kids get a kick out of making them, and secretly, adults do too!

What you need:
- Powdered sugar
- Cornstarch
- Black cocoa powder (for coloring, or black food coloring of choice)
- Vanilla extract is optional
- Water
- Plastic bags or piping bags with round tips
- Parchment paper

Mix up the powdered sugar, corn starch, vanilla optional and water until an icing like consistency is formed.
Remove a few tablespoons to a separate, smaller bowl and mix in the black cocoa powder or black food coloring.
You only need a little bit of black, since it's just for the pupils.

Either use piping bags with round tips (one small, one larger for the white), or do like I've done above and use plastic baggies.
Use care when snipping off the tips, a little snip goes a long way.
Better to start out with too small of a hole than have to re-bag it because it's been cut too large.
The black gets a smaller tip, or smaller hole.
Start with the white, and pipe round circles onto parchment paper.
The parchment paper is necessary so that they eyeballs don't stick. I wouldn't try this on tin foil, or anything other than parchment or a nonstick mat.
Before the white is completely set, pipe tiny little black dots in their centers.

Allow the eyeballs to air dry, uncovered overnight at room temp.
Allow them to thoroughly dry before decorating.
Larger eyes will take longer to dry, but the smaller ones should be hard within a few hours to overnight at the longest.
📖 Recipe

DIY Candy Eyeballs
- parchment paper
- baggies or piping tips
- 1 cup powdered sugar
- 1 tablespoon corn starch
- ¼ teaspoon vanilla optional
- 2 tablespoon water
- 1 tablespoon black cocoa powder or black food coloring
- Combine powdered sugar, corn starch, vanilla (optional) and water until icing like consistency is formed.
- Remove about three tablespoons worth of the white mixture, and mix in the cocoa powder or black food coloring. (Depending on what you use, you may need to add a bit more water.)
- Divide the two colors into individual plastic baggies, or piping bags fitted with large and small round tip. Using a jar to line with plastic bags helps to get the icing scooped in more easily.
- Twist and secure the bags to close. Cut a hole in each bag (small for the white, tiny for the black).
- Pipe the white in circles onto parchment paper; using a baking sheet or something flat underneath for moving it later.
- Pipe small black dots in the centers of the white, before they are completely set.
- Let air dry overnight until hardened. Don't go over a ¼ inch diameter, or they may have trouble drying out.
- Store at room temp, and decorate as needed.
- Allow to dry at room temperature, uncovered.
- Vanilla is optional, but don't use too much-it can discolor the whites to a brown color.
- Don't store candy eyeballs in the heat.
Saturday 26th of October 2024
Could you sub corn starch for arrowroot powder?
Tuesday 12th of September 2023
If you bake cookies and put these in it will they hold up and still look like eyes?